International Fellowship

As part of Project HOPE's mission to share Jesus with people from all over the world, International Fellowship is reaching out to over 4,800  international college students in three US cities. We do this through large and small events, host family opportunities, English conversation clubs, weekend retreats, discipleship, and Bible studies. We also provide some limited opportunities for internationals to live in housing alongside some amazing Christians.

All of these opportunities allow students to experience a genuine Christian community and learn of the mighty God we serve. Many of these students have often never known or even met a Christian, yet so very many have been drawn to Jesus and many more are taking steps toward a life of faith. This ministry is expanding and we are actively seeking for leaders and servants to help nurture and develop this  impactful work.

Revelation 7:9

After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb...

Missouri State University
University of Missouri Kansas City
Northwest Arkansas Community College
Ozark Technical Community College
University of Arkansas

International Fellowship Staff

Tudor Cret

 Springfield, MO

Alyssa Kohrs

NW Arkansas

Nick & Rachel Parker

Springfield, MO

Caleb & Kate Allen

Kansas City, MO

Lauren Sayler

Springfield, MO

Suzanne lennard

 NW Arkansas