New Beginnings- Center of Restoration (formerly known as Furia Santa) is a ministry that works with recovering addicts and gang members. In the United States, “rehab” facilities are easily accessible and most families provide support to their loved ones while in recovery. In Nicaragua, where families struggle to provide the basic needs to survive, a family member with an addiction or gang association weighs down the already struggling family. Young men come to the center ashamed and with no sense of self-worth. At New Beginnings, they learn of God’s redeeming love and mercy. The men also learn vocational skills to provide them with the ability to secure a job when they leave the center.
Our HOPE for the men at New Beginnings:
1. Restoration with God.
2. Restoration with Family.
3. Restoration with the Community.
Our HOPE for the men at New Beginnings:
1. Restoration with God.
2. Restoration with Family.
3. Restoration with the Community.